
Provides account related operations.

Get Account State

Get state of account.

AccountAddress accountAddress = AccountAddress
AccountState accountState = client.getAccountOperation().getState(accountAddress);
System.out.println("AccountState: " + accountState);

Create Name

Create name which owns by a transaction signer.

// prepare a signer
AergoKey signer = richKey;

// make a naming transaction
Name name = randomName();
long nonce = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
TxHash txHash = client.getAccountOperation().createNameTx(signer, name, nonce);
System.out.println("Create name tx hash: " + txHash);

Update Name

Update name owner to new account. It should be done by origin name owner.

// prepare a signer
AergoKey signer = richKey;

// create an name
Name name = randomName();
long nonce1 = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
client.getAccountOperation().createNameTx(signer, name, nonce1);

// sleep

// update an name
AccountAddress nextOwner = AccountAddress
long nonce2 = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
TxHash txHash = client.getAccountOperation().updateNameTx(signer, name, nextOwner, nonce2);
System.out.println("Update name tx hash: " + txHash);

Get Name Owner

Get name owner.

At current block.

// get name owner at current block
Name name = Name.of("samplename11");
AccountAddress nameOwner = client.getAccountOperation().getNameOwner(name);
System.out.println("Nonce owner: " + nameOwner);

At specific block.

// get name owner at block 3
Name name = Name.of("samplename11");
AccountAddress nameOwner = client.getAccountOperation().getNameOwner(name, 3);
System.out.println("Nonce owner: " + nameOwner);


Stake an aergo.

// prepare a signer
AergoKey signer = richKey;

// stake 10000 aergo
Aer amount = Aer.of("10000", Unit.AERGO);
long nonce = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
TxHash txHash = client.getAccountOperation().stakeTx(signer, amount, nonce);
System.out.println("Stake tx hash: " + txHash);


UnStake an aergo.

// prepare a signer
AergoKey signer = richKey;

// unstake 10000 aergo
Aer amount = Aer.of("10000", Unit.AERGO);
long nonce = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
TxHash txHash = client.getAccountOperation().unstakeTx(signer, amount, nonce);
System.out.println("Unstake tx hash: " + txHash);

Get Stake Info

Get stake info of an account.

AccountAddress accountAddress = AccountAddress
StakeInfo stakeInfo = client.getAccountOperation().getStakingInfo(accountAddress);
System.out.println("Stake info: " + stakeInfo);


Vote candidate to a vote id.

// prepare a signer
AergoKey signer = richKey;

// vote to "voteBP"
List<String> candidates = asList("16Uiu2HAkwWbv8nKx7S6S5NMvUpTLNeXMVCPr3NTnrx6rBPYYiQ4K");
long nonce = nonceProvider.incrementAndGetNonce(signer.getAddress());
TxHash txHash = client.getAccountOperation().voteTx(signer, "voteBp", candidates, nonce);
System.out.println("Vote tx hash: " + txHash);

Get Vote of Account

Get vote info of an account.

AccountAddress accountAddress = AccountAddress
AccountTotalVote voteInfo = client.getAccountOperation().getVotesOf(accountAddress);
System.out.println("Vote info: " + voteInfo);

Get Vote Result

Get vote result for vote id.

// get vote result for vote id "voteBP" for top 23 candidates.
List<ElectedCandidate> elected = client.getAccountOperation().listElected("voteBP", 23);
System.out.println("Elected: " + elected);